AACC的行政部门由主席组成, 副总统, deans and executive directors tasked with running the day-to-day operations of the college.

作为指定代表 校董会在美国,校长是学院的首席执行官. The president is responsible for the administration of the institution and implements the goals and 政策 由校董会批准. 校长还在大学治理体系内的各个组织和董事会需要采取行动的所有事项之间担任联络人.


AACC has a well-defined system of shared governance that engages 教师, 教职工和学生参与学院的重大决策. 以提高学生的成功为目标, 这个协作过程允许来自关键利益相关者的输入, encouraging the free flow of ideas and positive resolution of critical issues. 管治架构是大学的标志,并确保大学的诚信,以履行其服务社会的使命.



Dr. 黎明林赛 is the sixth president of Anne Arundel 社区 College.

Lindsay has dedicated over 30 years to the community college system. 她利用奴役式领导的哲学进行领导,并认为这种领导风格的基础需要一个强大的道德平台, 透明的决策, the ability to develop collaborative relationships that are mutually beneficial, a commitment to shared governance and an institutional commitment to student success.  

她是一位积极的倡导者, 代表需求, values and importance of the community college system at the local, 州级和国家级. Her unique and diverse background provides a multifaceted understanding of the needs of various stakeholders. 她相信开放获取, 提供高质量和多样化的教育 , 以及建立桥梁的需要, 和之间的, 内部和外部成分.

林赛在国家、地区和地方董事会任职. 她是the League for Innovation in the 社区 College的董事会成员和主席,也是the American Association of 社区 Colleges的董事会成员, 她担任大学准备委员会主席以及董事和会员服务委员会成员. 区域, 她是Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center社区咨询委员会的成员,也是Anne Arundel County Inter-Faith咨询委员会的成员.

Lindsay earned a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University, 教育咨询硕士学位, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Social Work from McDaniel College.

梅丽莎一. 学习资源管理副总裁比尔德莫尔说

PVP副总裁Melissa 比尔德莫尔

梅丽莎一. 比尔德莫尔, 注册会计师, 在担任代理副校长一年后,于2008年5月被任命为最全菠菜网院学习资源管理副校长. 她之前是该学院的财务执行董事.

以她副总统的身份, she manages and is responsible for the college’s operating and capital budgets totaling nearly $245 million. She also oversees the departments of Auxiliary Services; Business and Financial Resources; Facilities Planning and Construction; Facilities Maintenance; Risk Management; Human Resources; Document and Copy Services; Strategic Communications; and the Department of Public Safety and Police. 除了, 比尔德莫尔在几个大学委员会任职, 包括总统的内阁, 策略规划委员会和学术委员会. 她和总统一起工作, 校董会, and state and county officials to develop and implement initiatives.

比尔德莫尔于2001年6月加入该学院,担任主管,在那里她制定了几项措施,简化了学生的注册和付款流程, 同时也为学院节省了成本. 仍然是控制器时, she served as acting executive director of finance from January to June 2004 when she was promoted to that post. 

她是2007年安妮·阿伦德尔领导力项目的毕业生, 2006年工业女性奖(TWIN)获得者,并获得2016年巴尔的摩商业杂志最佳金融首席财务官奖.

比尔德莫尔拥有Loyola University Maryland的会计工商管理学士学位,是马里兰州的一名注册会计师. 她是马里兰州注册会计师协会的成员, 美国注册会计师协会, 全国学院和大学商务官员协会(NACUBO)和马里兰州社区学院商务官员协会. 她还曾任职于NACUBO的社区学院委员会,并担任东部学院和大学商业官员协会的董事会成员和计划和服务委员会成员.

理查德·C. Kralevich, vice president for Information and Instructional Technology

Vice President for Information and Instructional Technology, Richard Kralevich.

理查德·C. Kralevich Ed.D., became Anne Arundel 社区 College’s first vice president for Information and Instructional Technology in May 2021. This new position acknowledges the critical role technology plays in institutional, 教学, 业务和学生的成功.

Drawing on his experience in curriculum and instruction as well as information and educational technology, Kralevich为开发和实施信息技术战略和计划提供远见和领导. He has hands-on experience leading complex projects and delivering innovative technology solutions.

克拉列维奇的理想团队将培养一种卓越的文化, 为他们的工作感到骄傲, 以解决问题为导向,并为他们所服务的机构感到自豪. Collegewide, 他将努力发展, implement and advance an overall shared vision for technology that is innovative, 以学生为中心,以客户为导向.

公认的领导者, Kralevich is known for transforming organizations and empowering them to surpass peer metrics. 在协会的, 他将确定并实施定期达到或超过机构基准和关键绩效指标的创新技术服务.

在AACC之前, 克拉列维奇是特拉华技术社区学院信息技术副校长,也是创意教学和技术中心的创始主任. He also was a learning solutions architect at Ernst and Young and a senior academic technology director at Ellucian, where his team was awarded the SGHE National Award for Performance and Achievement.

他在特拉华大学获得教育学博士学位, 布卢姆斯堡大学(Bloomsburg University)的教学技术硕士学位和宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)的历史文学学士学位. 他是ISP 9000的认证首席审计师, 9001和QS-9000, 项目经理, 以及ERP系统建模师.



谭雅·米尔纳,埃德.D., joins AACC as provost and vice president of Learning in August 2021. 她最近在康涅狄格州立学院和大学(CSCU)系统担任教学副总裁, 也是一位终身英语教授. More than 28 years of employment in higher education has taken her to CSCU, 曼彻斯特社区学院, 东北大学, 公园大学, 北弗吉尼亚社区学院, 斯特雷耶大学和国会学院. 在那个时候, Millner dedicated her attention to the development and support of students, 教师, 员工和管理人员.

在协会的, Millner provides leadership for our five schools of study: Business and Law, 继续教育, 健康科学, 文科与理科, 科技与教育. The Division of Learning oversees strategic planning (in conjunction with the college’s president), 学习进步和IDEA实验室, 研究, 以及制度效率. She is also responsible for learning outcomes assessment and program reviews, 教学和课程规划, 教师招聘, 晋升和终身职位, 预算管理.

Millner earned a doctorate in higher education administration from The George Washington University, 英语文学硕士学位, 东北大学写作和语言学专业毕业, and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in women’s studies from Georgetown University. 她的学术研究包括工作条件, job satisfaction and social network of part-time 教师 at community colleges, 重新设计发展性英语.

She recently completed the University of South Florida Muma College of Business’s 多样性, 工作场所的公平和包容证书课程. 除了是一名教育家, 米尔纳曾在几家董事会担任志愿者,并当选为康涅狄格州美国教育妇女网络委员会(American Council on Education Women’s Network)的州董事会主席.

费利西亚L. 帕特森,学习支持服务副总裁


费利西亚L. 帕特森,D.本., joined Anne Arundel 社区 College as vice president for Learner Support Services in 2008. 在协会的, 帕特森负责战略规划, 信息技术, 制度研究, 登记管理, and all student and academic support services including financial aid, 招生及注册, 学术顾问, 保留管理, 学生生活. 

帕特森领导学习者支持服务部门开发计划和项目,以帮助学生保留和满意度, 增加证书和学位, 并继续为学生提供卓越的服务. 我们的学生成功2020战略计划, she also serves as chair of the college’s Achieving the Dream initiative, 发展创新策略以提高学生的成功. 

在来AACC之前, 帕特森自2000年起担任丹佛社区学院(CCD)学生和招生服务执行副校长. At CCD Patterson developed and enhanced numerous student service initiatives, including the creation of a comprehensive Recruitment and Student Outreach office, 一站式迎宾中心的设计, leading the state system in the development of a First-Year Experience program, 还有购买, 蒂沃利学生会的改造和项目开发, the nation’s only student union that is shared by three institutions of higher education. 她还领导了科罗拉多社区学院系统学生信息系统实施的学生服务部分. 

She has served as a consultant evaluator for the North Central Association Commission on 认证 and School Improvement, is a graduate of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Leadership Denver Program, and served as chair of the Colorado 社区 College System Student Services Council. 

Patterson earned a Doctor of Management degree from University of Maryland University College. 她持有the University of Denver的高等教育管理硕士学位和Howard University的工商管理金融学士学位. 

Nanci一. 贝尔,注册


Nanci一. 贝尔于2010年10月被任命为最全菠菜网院的注册主任,此前他担任了10年的转学学分助理注册主任, 在学院进行注册和军事教育. She also had been serving as interim director for the Records and Registration office for nine months prior to her promotion.

贝尔曾在高等教育领域工作, 特别是在社区大学环境中, 20多年了, 1998年加入AACC,担任转学分评估员. 她的事业表现出不断增加的责任感, 从乔治王子社区学院的注册助理和转学学分评估员到AACC的职位.

她的经验包括日常监督记录和注册工作人员服务于不同的学生群体,以及州和联邦法规和学术政策的解释. Beier has presented on issues related to records and registration at the 州级和国家级. 她是大学社团的活跃成员, 在处理若干问题的委员会任职.

Beier earned an Associate of Science degree in Business Administration from Prince George’s 社区 College, 他获得了Bowie State University的工商管理学士学位和Bowie State University的公共管理硕士学位. 

她的专业隶属关系包括美国大学注册和招生官员协会(AACRAO)和马里兰州社区学院注册和招生官员组织(MOCCRAO)。. She also is former president of the Maryland Transfer Credit Evaluators Committee.



Dr. 黎明林赛
